Wednesday 10 April 2013

Nice weather at last

Seems like spring is finally here - when it feels like it anyway!  Monday was really nice, but I was not cycling or running that day so didn't have that much chance to enjoy the sun.  It was mostly a rest day, although I had swimming with Tri-Force in the evening, which was a good session.  It was quite busy that night, and we had some new people join.  Watching the beginners learn to front crawl makes me remember how slow and sloppy I was just a few months ago!  I'm sure they will learn quickly though, as the coaching is very good.  Next time, it looks like I'll be able to move up into the next lane on Mondays, no longer the beginners' lane!  Still can't believe that I could hardly front crawl at all in January.  I still need to have a quick breather every couple of lengths, but nothing like I used to have to do.  I needed a few minute's rest every other length when i started out!  I can just about do 100m without stopping now and can do several of those with short rests.  I also managed 50m in a minute which i was pleased with.  My goal is to be able to do 400m in one go and under 10 minutes as this is the swim distance of the sprint triathlon at the end of May.

Tuesday was pretty busy.  I cycled to work - quite a cold and cloudy morning though!  At lunch went for a recovery run with Matt, we did about 4 miles.  It was just about warm enough to finally wear shorts and tee-shirt.  I had better make the most of these weekday recovery runs as looks like my running buddy will no longer be working in Hatfield for much longer!!  Any other local runners in the area want to come join me??

 In the evening was the Tri-Force circuits class, which I always enjoy (well, most of the time - it's not easy!).  It's a really good over-all workout although the core training gets a bit painful, not sure if that's anyone's favourite part of the class!  I sometimes struggle with some of the exercises and have to do something a bit different, as I managed to injure my lower back about year ago and it hasn't ever healed completely.  Some types of sit ups, V-sits, mountain climbers and burpees are generally out of the question.  Usually end up doing press ups, squats or plank instead.  It's a bit frustrating sometimes (although I don't really miss burpees!!) especially when I have a go at something only to get half way through and it starts getting painful.  It's also really annoying to have to keep taking painkillers throughout the day, a year on!  Ironically, I managed to do this to myself at circuits, by slipping off a gym ball onto the hard floor!  Luckily it doesn't affect my running.

Total training

Swimming with Tri-Force, just over an hour

Cycled to work and back (8 miles)
Recovery run (4 miles)
Circuits class (1 hour)

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