Wednesday 6 February 2013

Last couple of days

Monday, the day after the half marathon, I was pretty knackered!  I was struggling to get through the day (very sleepy) and by about 3pm to make matters worse I had run out of tea bags..  I'd cycled to work and home(probably should have driven, but it did wake me up more than being in the car would have done) and then had a swimming session with Tri-Froce in the evening (by this point I'd had a rest and refueled so was feeling better, and the swim session went well).  A few of them had also done Watford so we talked about our experiences - i.e. the hills!

Tuesday, went out for a recovery run with Matt at lunchtime.  We both agreed that it was really tough getting out for any run after a long run or a race!  But I just tell myself it's only a short run (we did just over  a 5k) and so by the time the next long run comes around it's not going to be a shock to the system!  We took the old cycle track route which is much nicer now the snow has melted, there are no patches of ice covering the pathway now.

In the evening i went to circuits, also with Tri-Force, which was good fun.  Although a rather nasty core session near the end involving various versions of the plank!!  I'm surprised I am not that sore right now but no doubt I will soon....  Treated myself to a bowl of Ben and Jerries ice cream when I got home - this is my favourite post-workout treat!

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