Friday 2 August 2013

My Marathon Wish List

Here are some marathons I am thinking about signing - or have already signed - up for the future.  Anyone care to join me? Purple means I've signed up!

Berlin Marathon - coming up soon on 29th September.  Why?  It's famous, fast, flat, has a host of elite record breaking runners and is one of the World Marathon Majors.  It filled up in about 3 hours when I signed up for it last autumn!  Always wanted to visit Berlin too, so a perfect excuse to run this prestigious race.  Two Majors in one year too - can't be bad.

Eden Project Marathon - this is 3 weeks after Berlin so will be much slower and more chilled out.  Just as good really as the scenery in Cornwall is amazing but the area is very hilly!  So it won't be easy.  I reckon I'll need to walk some of those hills.  Went to the Eden Project last year on holiday and saw they hosted a race - so once I found that you could take the train straight there from London Paddington I signed up.

Brighton Marathon - Beginning of April and great sea front location.  It's the week before London, and whilst I'll be over the moon if I'm ultra lucky enough to get a ballot place in VLM next year, I think that's unlikely!  Brighton is a great alternative, well organised has great crowds, is a nice city for sports (I've done the Brighton Half Marathon and London - Brighton cycling event) and a fantastic atmosphere.  London-by-the-sea!  Nice medal too.  So I've signed up for it.

Milton Keynes Marathon - it's inaugural race was in 2012, and apart from the weather (freezing cold and raining one year, swelteringly hot the next), it looks like a good one to do (what of 2014? Gales?).  It's quite local as well and there's no ballot to worry about, so why not!  May as well make the most of another winter of marathon training and it's a month after Brighton, so enough time to recover - although just enough to get round it, I don't think I'd be aiming to beat any PBs if i do this one.

Kent Roadrunner Marathon - this one is at the end of May.  It has a number of great points including the biggest medal in Europe, facilities for every runner to set up their own drinks table that you pass by each lap (no need to carry a belt full of gels or worry about whether you can stomach the energy drink, and you can pop a spare shirt there in case the weather changes), water, drink and gels every 2.5km, easy to reach by high speed train or car, cheap (£30 early bird fee!), professional photographs included in the price, mainly flat, totally traffic free course on smooth tarmac.  It's also 3 weeks after MK so should I bite the bullet and do all 3, i could just about let my legs recover and walk/run it (there's a 6.5 hour time limit).  Cons?  Well, it's 17 identical laps of a race track!!  Might get a bit same-old after 5 or 6 laps, but at least you get to watch the Eurostar trains go by... EDIT:- I've just entered this!!

Toronto Waterfront Marathon - If I can afford a trip to Canada next year, this looks like a fabulous race to take part in next October.  Visited their stand at this year's VLM expo, and I was very tempted when having a peak at the most beautiful medal I've ever seen.

Yorkshire Marathon - My dad's side of the family is from Yorkshire, so I'm very keen on entering this one at some point.  Looks good - but filled up very quickly.

There are lots of others I'd like to do, maybe I could aim for something like 40 before 40 (40 marathons before my 40th birthday), or aim to join the 100 Marathon Club... Athens, Dublin, Dubai, Tromso Midnight Sun, New York, Boston, Edinburgh, Copenhagen....these are all races I'd love to do!

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