Tuesday 29 January 2013

Monday 28th Jan: bike/run/swim

Decided it was time to ride my bike into work today.  It's been snowing lately and until Sunday there was still a lot of ice on the ground and I didn't feel safe on the roads.  But it's much clearer now - although dark and wet! - so no need not to.  I like cycling into work, it's only about 4 miles each way but it wakes me up and I've done some exercise even if I don't do any planned training sessions.  I need to get back into cycling as I have done very little over the winter. I'd set off quite early and had plenty of time, so I stopped and chatted to Ray who I am doing to London-Brighton bike ride with, and we have a catch up. I often see him and his dog along the old railway path that is popular with walkers and cyclists. 

Went for a run with Matt at lunchtime.  This is usually our recovery run – Matt had done his long run on Sunday and I’d done 17 miles on Saturday (I tend to need a day off from running after anything over about 13 miles ) and we do about 3-4 miles around the business park.  Matt had mapped out a new route around Old Hatfield – some was along tracks and unpaved foot paths but luckily the snow and ice had melted - so it was great to have a change.  Makes it more interesting to chat while out running as well.

Swimming in the evening with Tri-Force (the triathlon club).  They have use of the pool in a local school – a very nice, newly built sports centre.  I have been learning front crawl and just spent the session working on technique.  I have been doing this for a couple of weeks and am seeing a nice improvement, but I haven’t yet started following the lesson plans.

Wasn’t too tired by the end of the day, so watched a bit of TV and had a bowl of ice cream as a reward!

Total training

Bike ride to/from work (8 miles)
3.8 mile run
45 minutes swimming

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